For Immediate Release| June 16, 2020
Contact: Claire Goldberg,
Statehood Bill Vote Set for June 26th
WASHINGTON, DC— House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer announced today that the House will vote on H.R.51, the Washington, D.C. Admission Act, on June 26. The bill currently has 224 co-sponsors, which is more than the number needed to pass the bill in the House.
The DC Democratic Party is encouraging statehood supporters whose representatives have not co-sponsored the bill to call, write, or email them, asking them to vote yes. We are also working with statehood advocacy organizations to get supporters to contact their Senators as well.
DC residents pay more in federal income taxes than 22 states, and more in federal taxes than we receive in federal funds. There are over 705,000 people living in the District, which is more than the populations of Wyoming and Vermont. Yet DC residents have no voting representation in Congress. No other democratic country denies the right of self-government, including participation in its national legislature, to the residents of its capital. It is way past due for DC to become a state.
DC Democratic Party Chair Charles Wilson gave the following statement in response to this news:
“First of all, I want to thank Congresswoman Eleanor Holmes Norton not only for introducing this bill, but also for being a staunch and tireless advocate of DC statehood for decades. I also want to encourage all DC residents to reach out to their friends and families in states with Senators and Representatives who are on the fence or against DC statehood, and encourage them to speak out. We will need everyone in Congress on board to get this bill passed and to make DC statehood a reality.”
Chartered by the Democratic National Committee as the elected representatives of the Democratic voters in the District of Columbia, the DC Democratic State Committee “DC Democratic Party” provides input in the affairs of the Democratic Party at the block, precinct, state, and national level. Our priorities include ensuring, preserving, and protecting the principles of Democracy, freedom, equality, and service through political action, fair elections, quality elected officials, strong and vibrant communities, the election of a Democratic nominee for President of the United States, voting rights and statehood for DC. Find out more about what the DC Democratic Party is doing at