For Immediate Release | June 24, 2020
Contact: Claire Goldberg,
DC Democratic Party Announces Final Delegate List to the Democratic National Convention
WASHINGTON, DC — The DC Democratic Party is thrilled to announce our finalized list of delegates who will help officially decide the Democratic nominee for President. While we will not be attending the Convention in-person, we are still immensely excited to participate in this important party-building event, and are grateful to the DNC for choosing to prioritize our health and safety.
The list of DC’s delegates to the Democratic National Convention is as follows:
Automatic Delegates
Eleanor Holmes Norton
Muriel Bowser
Charles E. Wilson
Linda Gray
Karl Racine
Silvia Martinez
Jack Evans
Paul Strauss
Michael Brown
Jeff Berman
James Joseph Bland
Earl Fowlkes
Harold Ickes
Steve Regenstreif
Lee Saunders
Rick C. Wade
James Zogby
Lily Eskelsen Garcia
Donna Brazile
Mara Cardona
Alexandra Chalupa
Minyon Moore
Carrie Pugh
Claire Lucas
Symone Sanders
District Level Delegates
Monica Roache
Charlotte Clymer
Corina Garay
Christine Warnke
Krysten Thomas
Jennifer Blemur
Julie Rones (alternate)
Tommy Wells
Brandon Frye
Troy Prestwood
John Green
Charles Gaither
Harry Thomas
Walter Peacock
Party Leader and Elected Official (PLEO) and At-Large Delegates
Dave Donaldson
Anita Bonds
Monika Nemeth
Sergio Espinosa
Elizabeth Davis
Bernita Carmichael
Mark Nichols
Laura Gross (alternate)