DC Democratic Party Statement on the Death of George Floyd

For Immediate Release | June 4, 2020

Contact: Claire Goldberg, communications@dcdemocraticparty.org

DC Democratic Party Statement on the Death of George Floyd

WASHINGTON, DC — The DC Democratic Party stands in solidarity with the peaceful protests across the country, and condemns the police brutality and racist violence that has caused the deaths of countless black people. Our Chairman Charles E. Wilson gave the following statement in response to recent events.

“George Floyd. Breonna Taylor. Ahmaud Arbery. How many more black people will die before this country changes? We are saddened, angry, and tired. But we won’t stop fighting. The DC Democratic Party will continue to work every single day for what is just and what is right. We will not rest until there is an end to police brutality. We will not rest until our black brothers and sisters are safe and free from fear.

As a black man, I am especially heartbroken, scared and outraged by the murder of George Floyd. But I am also so deeply aware of how often this happens in our country. It could be me. It could be my son. And that is a reality I refuse to accept.

We know it will take more than a change in leadership. This is a systemic problem that a new president alone cannot solve. But we also know that Donald Trump is only making matters worse, and that we can leverage our power to elect leaders who will take this issue to heart and fight to make a difference.”

The DC Democratic Party calls for a mass overhaul of our country’s police system. That means firing officers who have neglected their duty to keep people safe. That means retraining entire police units to teach non-violent de-escalation tactics. That means rethinking who we hire to keep our country safe. It means countless other potential solutions, and we look forward to working with our community to think critically about how to put an end to police brutality.

We urge DC residents and folks across the country to have conversations with family members, neighbors, coworkers, and friends to try to change the hearts and minds of those who are not yet seeing what we see. We continue to support black activists who are organizing these peaceful protests and who have been calling for change for decades and centuries. We cannot wait until the next black person is killed in America to start this all again. Change must happen now.


Chartered by the Democratic National Committee as the elected representatives of the Democratic voters in the District of Columbia, the DC Democratic State Committee “DC Democratic Party” provides input in the affairs of the Democratic Party at the block, precinct, state, and national level. Our priorities include ensuring, preserving, and protecting the principles of Democracy, freedom, equality, and service through political action, fair elections, quality elected officials, strong and vibrant communities, the election of a Democratic nominee for President of the United States, voting rights and statehood for DC. Find out more about what the DC Democratic Party is doing at www.dcdemocraticparty.org.